Self Discipline and Improvement of Morality

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Self Discipline and Beautification of Morals Book Description: Ihyau Ulûmi'd-Din, the greatest work of Imam-i Ghazali, has been the first reference source that comes to mind for Muslims in every period and great trust has been placed in this work. Ihyâu Ulûmi'd-Din, four books It consists of a main section and ten topics in each section. Each of the topics in İhyâu Ulûmi'd-Din was translated using a fluent and clear language, without distorting the original narrative of the work, and turned into a book in its own right. The third part of İhyâu Ulûmi'd-Din is the Destructive Things Section. The second subject of the book is Self Discipline and Beautification of Morality. In this work, Imam-i Ghazali; It indicates many parts of heart diseases. In short, he points out the nature of the statement about their treatment without detailing the specific medicine for the diseases. He presents a general overview of the beautification of morality and gives the medicine of the body as an example. So that its knowledge comes closer to people's minds. So that the statement of the virtue of good morals becomes clear. Then he explains the reality of good morals... Then he explains the acceptance of morals to change through asceticism... Then he explains the reason that leads to good morals... Then he explains the ways that explain the ways that lead to the deterioration of morals. Then the asceticism of the souls... Then the statement of the signs of knowing heart disease... Then the statement of the ways that enable human beings to know the faults of their souls... Then the statement of the way of healing the hearts... Then the statement of the signs of good morals... Then the statement of the way of asceticism of children at the beginning of development. ... Then he clarifies the statement of the will and the prefaces of the struggle. (From the Promotional Bulletin)

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