Smart Investor

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Yazar: benjamin graham
Ebat: 13,5 x 21
İlk Baskı Yılı: 2018
Baskı Sayısı: 1. Basım
Yayınevi: Epsilon Yayınevi
ISBN: 9786051733838
Subtotal: $20.00
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Smart Investor

Smart Investor

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Smart Investor

$22.95 $20.00

Smart Investor Book Description: Would you like to take private lessons about investing from the richest people in the world? Then Smart Investor, written by the world-famous investor, is just for you! Thanks to this book, you will be able to manage your assets in the best way and create passive income for yourself. You will be able to have an idea about all kinds of investment instruments in the world. Let's briefly talk about the content of this book, which we think will help you gain financial freedom. Why should you read the book "Smart Investor"? The book contains valuable information for all kinds of investments that can yield real returns in the short, medium and long term. The pros and cons of various investment instruments such as pension funds, stock market, real estate and precious metals are explained in detail to the reader. While reading the book, you analyze the correct value and prices of all assets, regardless of their nature. You understand what kind of damage panic waves cause and that patience is actually the greatest weapon for the investor. The information in the book helps you create your own investment idea and goal. Although the terms economics and finance are used in the book, the language used by the author can be understood by everyone from seven to seventy. From the first page of the book, you understand the true value of money and thus get to the bottom of what is happening in the world on this subject. We think this book will help you gain emotional discipline. Did you know? Did you know that the book received praise from many different people and institutions, especially Warren Buffet, one of the richest people and popular investors in the world? It is known that the world-famous Forbes and Money Publications define Smart Investor with the sentence "The book that most clearly expresses the basic principles of investment". So much so that, with the release of the book in 2018, it was translated into languages ​​such as Turkish, Spanish, French and Chinese. Benjamin Graham, the author of the book, conveys the knowledge and experience he gained from many different investment instruments to the readers in his book The Smart Investor. Our other recommendations for those who like this book: After reading this book, you can start reading the Stock Exchange to learn the basics of the stock market, which is one of the most important elements of world trade, and to gain a solid foundation for this field. If you are interested in real estate investments such as houses and land, Real Estate Investment Funds may be a good choice for you. You can review Memoirs of a Stock Exchange Speculator to hear from the speculator's own words about the stock market speculations that took place around the world and deeply affected many different states. You can also add Blockchain - Blockchain: Everything in the Future, which describes the economy of the future and technological currencies seen as common currencies, to your reading list.

9786051733838benjamin graham Epsilon Publishing House 13,5 x 211. Basım
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BÖLÜM 3 - BİLGİLERİN DOĞRULUĞU, TAMLIĞI VE GÜNCELLİĞİ Bu sitede sunulan bilgilerin doğru, eksiksiz veya güncel olmamasından sorumlu değiliz. Bu sitedeki materyaller yalnızca genel bilgilendirme amaçlıdır ve birincil, daha doğru, daha eksiksiz veya daha güncel bilgi kaynaklarına başvurmadan karar vermek için tek dayanak olarak kullanılmamalı veya güvenilmemelidir. Bu sitedeki materyallere güvenmenin riski size aittir. Bu site bazı tarihi bilgiler içerebilir. Tarihsel bilgiler, zorunlu olarak, güncel değildir ve yalnızca referans olarak verilmiştir. Bu sitenin içeriğini istediğimiz zaman değiştirme hakkımız saklıdır, ancak sitemizdeki herhangi bir bilgiyi güncelleme yükümlülüğümüz yoktur. Sitemizdeki değişiklikleri izlemenin sizin sorumluluğunuzda olduğunu kabul etmektesiniz. BÖLÜM 4 - HİZMET VE FİYATLARDA YAPILAN DEĞİŞİKLİKLER Ürünlerimizin fiyatları önceden haber verilmeksizin değiştirilebilir. Hizmeti (veya herhangi bir bölümünü veya içeriğini) herhangi bir zamanda bildirimde bulunmaksızın değiştirme veya durdurma hakkımızı saklı tutarız. Hizmette herhangi bir değişiklik, fiyat değişikliği, askıya alma veya durdurma nedeniyle size veya herhangi bir üçüncü tarafa karşı sorumlu olmayacağız. BÖLÜM 5 - ÜRÜNLER VEYA HİZMETLER (varsa) Bazı ürünler veya Hizmetler yalnızca web sitesi üzerinden çevrimiçi olarak sunulabilir. Bu ürünler veya Hizmetler sınırlı sayıda olabilir ve yalnızca Geri Ödeme Politikamıza göre iade veya değişime tabidir: [GERİ ÖDEME POLİTİKASINA BAĞLANTI] Renkleri ve görüntüleri mümkün olduğunca doğru göstermek için her türlü çabayı gösterdik.

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