Let My Tears Flow, Said the Police

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Let My Tears Flow, Police said Book Description "I ask the question of what is truth in everything I write. Because we are constantly bombarded with so-called realities produced by very complex electronic mechanisms. I do not trust their goals, I do not trust the power they have." Why do you read PKD? Of course, the answer is not to read coherent novels where you can follow the character development, are fluent and gripping, have no logical errors, and are consistent. Reading PKD means encountering riddles about the nature of existence that are so interesting that no one would have thought of them. Here's another riddle for you. The famous singer and television personality, beloved by millions, wakes up one morning in a lonely hotel room and finds himself in a world where he is unknown to anyone. Not his manager, not his superstar girlfriend, not the people on the street... no one has even heard of him. He is now a nobody without identity cards and documents, and this is a pretty big problem in the police state of the future. Identity, the search for identity, perception-altering drugs, the insidious state, forced labor camps, Dick's main theme of paranoia and various strange characters are all in this dark dystopia set in 1988. (From the Promotional Bulletin)

This work, published by Alfa Publications and written by Nur Yener, is now in Dünyada Kitap.

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