Accumulator Radio - Play

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Accumulator Radio - Play Book Description: Tarık Buğra, one of the important names of Turkish literature, associates the birth of his novel titled Yalnızlar with this work and says: "Accumulator Radio is my first work. I tried to put into it the fresh attention, observations, sincerity and my accumulation of emotions and thoughts that an amateur can give to his first work." "When I withdrew from the City Theatre, I wrote about its people in a novel. The result was The Lonely People." Buğra, who was awarded the title of State Artist in 1991, was awarded the Theater Award by the Writers' Union in 1981 with this work, which is the story of an unfinished happiness. (From the Promotional Bulletin)

This work, published by Ötüken Publications and written by Tarık Buğra, is now in Dünyada Kitap.

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