No Letter to the Colonel | Can Publications

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No Letter to the Colonel Book Description: No Letter to the Colonel is one of the most beautiful long stories of Gabriel García Márquez, one of the greatest writers of our time. The story of an old retired soldier who realizes that his services fighting for his country are unrewarded. The funny, yet tragic story of a retired colonel who waits every Friday with his wife and rooster for his pension, which never comes. Undoubtedly, No Letter to the Colonel played a role in Gabriel García Márquez being awarded the Nobel Prize in Literature in 1982. Every scene described by the master of magical realism, every behavior of the characters, sings of the joy of living in a seemingly hopeless world and challenges death and loneliness. Each sentence breaks the silence of the vast emptiness of life. "Image is the tool to reach reality," said Gabriel García Márquez. This bitterly sarcastic story is almost a masterpiece of visual literature."

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