Anka-Book 5 | Theseus Publishing House

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Anka - 5th Book Book Description: Oh those blue eyes... Eyes with a doomsday look that stabbed like a bullet... The eyes for which I now risk death... Will he be able to learn one day? Will he ever learn that the bullet he failed to put into his heart has actually already sunk into my heart? Will he be able to learn that he shattered my heart, burned it with fire, turned it into ashes, and created another me from those ashes? Now I can understand the fight he fought for his loved ones. Because I loved a child who was not yet born. That's why I'm going to war. I can understand your loyalty now. Because, in a sense, loyalty means dedication. I am devoted to a woman who does not want to see me. I swear that my hand will never touch another hand again. Now I understand that he could give his life for his country. Because for the first time I feel like I belong to someone. I am going to give my life for a country. I understand your patience now. As I head towards the unknown, all I have is hope and now I'm just holding on to my hope. I walk with the hope that one day I will see those blue eyes again and the baby we gave birth to together. No matter how long it takes... One day I will definitely come back. (From the Promotional Bulletin)

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