Schopenhaur on Love and Women

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Schopenhaur Book Description on Love and Women: The nobler and more perfect something is, the later and slower it is to reach maturity. The man rarely reaches the maturity of his mental faculties and spiritual faculties before he is twenty-eight; The women are only eighteen years old; but in the case of women this occurs within very weak and narrow limits. It is for this reason that women remain children all their lives, because they always cling to the present moment, seeing only what is closest to them, what is about to happen, surrendering to the appearance of a thing rather than the reality, and preferring unimportant things to the most important matters. Consulting women in difficult and delicate matters, as the Germans did in ancient times, is by no means a matter to be taken lightly, because their way of understanding and evaluating matters is quite different from ours. -A. Schopenhauer- (From the Promotional Bulletin)

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