Despite Me

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Despite Me Book Description: We were women of the Middle East trying to stand on our own feet. When we wanted to do something, we were first viewed with suspicion, and when we started the task, we were overwhelmed with reasons why it shouldn't happen... Despite this, if we showed the thoughtlessness of not giving up, we were put on a podium where all eyes were on us and a search was made. While fears gave way to new challenges and everything took on a completely different face, we would embark on unknown and unexpected paths. Now, despite myself, I may be looking for traces of my new world among other streets, who knows? (From the Promotional Bulletin) Book Name: Despite Me Author: Ezgi Karaşin Publishing House: Masa Kitap Dough Type: 2nd Dough Number of Pages: 244 Size: 13.5 x 21 First Printing Year: 2021 Number of Printings: 1st Edition Language: Turkish Barcode: 9786057301833

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