Ben Amir - The Forgotten Child of War

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I am Amir - The Forgotten Child of War Book Description: “I gave birth to you,” he continued, “but I considered you never to have given birth. It's like you were never mine. Because you are a black spot on my forehead!” Suddenly I got goosebumps. “No,” I cried, “no… I am not a black mark. I'm not a bastard. I'm not a curse. I'm not an asshole. I'm just a damaged person. I'm just a person with a wounded soul. “Just like you, mom.” They were the biggest victims of the Bosnian War, in which hundreds of thousands of people were murdered. It was impossible for them to forget the torture and rape they experienced. They couldn't forget even if they wanted to. They were forcibly made pregnant in places called "rape camps". This is how thousands of children were born: "Invisible" and "forgotten" children... Children who carry the heavy burden of war and genocide on their shoulders... Children with wounded souls whose identity is unknown even though they are everywhere... This time from Sinan Akyüz, the author of Fig Birds and Meyra. The last novel about what happened after the Bosnian War: I, Amir, The Forgotten Child of the War. (From the Promotional Bulletin)

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