Drying White Roses | Nemesis Book

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Drying White Roses Book Description: As youth gives way to maturity, can old mistakes be compensated? Born and raised in Elazığ, Nevin's life path paved with good intentions extends first to Istanbul and then to Ankara. As the years passed, Nevin's excitement never diminished, her weight constantly increasing and resting on her shoulders. Those days of his youth, which he likens to white roses, are far away now. Nevin, who has spent all her years struggling and hoping, is torn between giving up and resisting for the first time. She must find the strength she needs to continue on her way, without drying out the white roses, carrying the years with honor on her chest like a token. In this book, which is the continuation of her novel When the White Roses Bloom, Naşide Gökbudak tells the deep story of people who find the strength to stand up again when they think everything is over. (From the Promotional Bulletin.) )

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