How Does a Society Commit Suicide?

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How Does a Society Commit Suicide? Book Description Türkiye is not a country of science. The science it produces is, with a few personal exceptions, completely negligible on a world scale. Turkey's scientific poverty is also reflected in its industry and trade. Türkiye, which has almost no original industrial products; They are poor in both trade and agriculture; For example, it cannot even do a job that requires no capital other than intelligence and knowledge, is extremely easy and has great returns, such as creating software. In Turkey, there is no class of qualified people in almost any field (except military service). How can we continue to live among those who have created this terrible sea of ​​ignorance? Ataturk's Turkey has already become history, and since 1950, the Ottoman Empire has resurfaced with all its horror in the hands of ignorant politicians of rural origin. However, in a world that was developing much faster than before, the new Ottoman Republic would not survive as long as the Ottoman Empire. If we do not come to our senses and learn to acquire and produce the knowledge that governs the world, our generation will see that this new Ottoman monstrosity will crumble into history and the Turkish presence in Asia Minor will be erased. Turkey should immediately give up these ignorance-based policies, which could end disastrously, and come to its senses. (From the Promotional Bulletin) Editor-in-Chief: Ahmet BOZKURTEditor: Uğur AKTAŞCover Design: Berkcan OKAR Page Design: Derya BALCI

This work, published by İnkılap Publications and written by AM Celal Şengör, is now in Dünyada Kitap.

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