Diary of a Writer - Red Cat Classics

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Diary of a Writer - Red Cat Classics Book Description Diary of a Writer, compiled by his life partner Leonard Woolf, offers the opportunity to travel into the mind of a genius who directed the flow of world literature and to secretly wander among his private thoughts. Compiled with unique meticulousness, the diary will be a companion for readers who will be new to Woolf, because it sheds light on how the seeds of each work are planted and how intense, painful, but also an enjoyable process writing is. The book offers new layers with countless surprises for the fans of the pioneer of the stream of consciousness method: Alternative flows and even the names of the finalized books, Woolf's fight with Dostoyevsky, her admiration for Shakespeare, her confidant with the economist Keynes, her real friends, her anger, her worries, everything ordinary. The feeling of disgust for everything... And the fight with all its darkness. Thanks to the diary, we learn how keen a reader Woolf was, who often had to choose between writing literature and criticism. With Diary of a Writer, you will get to know Woolf closely and find a lifelong friend between the lines. “Yesterday, that is, the 18th of the month, On Sunday, we heard a roar. They came right at us. I looked at the plane like a small fish staring at a roaring shark. Their lights were reflecting, I think there were three of them. Olive. Then boom, boom, boom! Was it the Germans? Again, pat, pat, on Kingston.” (From the Promotional Bulletin)

This work, written by Virginia Woolf and written by Red Cat, is now in Books in the World.

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