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Byzantine Sultan Book Description According to the Byzantine official history, the old emperor XI. Konstantinos died while swinging his sword at the Ottoman forces on the capital walls. According to some historians, he escaped from the Turks on a Genoese ship that escaped from the hands of the Turks at the last moment. After the fall of Constantinople (Istanbul), the emperor's body was not found. 555 years after the conquest of Istanbul, three mysterious men reached an academician living in Galata. They belonged to the secret organization established to carry out the will of the last Byzantine emperor, who died in Italy in 1475. To the young man who was a chess master, XI. They proved that he was a descendant of Constantine. He is now the exiled Byzantine Emperor XV. It was Konstantinos. He fulfilled the last article of his ancestor's will in order to become the head of the organization and control its wealth; In order to find out what the will was, he had to pass a six-stage exam. This novel is a bouquet of homage to the Byzantine civilization that laid the seeds of modern life on the planet. (From the Promotional Bulletin) Number of Pages: 248Print Year: 2016Language: TurkishPublisher: İş Bankası Kültür Yayınları

This work, published by İş Bankası Cultural Publications and written by Selçuk Altun, is now on Dünyada Kitap.

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