The Epic of Bozkurt and Ergenekon

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Bozkurt and Ergenekon Epic Book Description: Epics have their own characteristics. They tell the story of a nation's ability to survive or face extinction or their struggle with great powers. While telling these, he carries the history, culture and language of the nation he belongs to from previous generations to the next generations. Bozkurt Epic and Ergenekon Epic are two interesting Turkish epics that contain all of the elements we mentioned, despite their very short texts. The Bozkurt Epic and the Ergenekon Epic are actually the same epic. In other words, the Ergenekon Epic is the continuation of the Bozkurt Epic. In other words, the texts of the subject written down before Islam and found in Chinese sources were called Bozkurt Epic, and written down after the adoption of Islam (Cami'ü't-Tevarih, written in Persian by Reşideddin, and Şecere-i Terâkime, written in Chagatai Turkish). and Tevarih-i li Selçuk) written by Yazıcıoğlu Ali were called the Ergenekon Epic. Such a distinction emerged because it was identified and named by different scientists at different times. The Bozkurt Epic and the Ergenekon Epic are among the fundamental elements of Turkish social life. The wolf being considered sacred throughout history and the prestige of this animal among the Turks, blacksmithing and iron being considered important and even sacred throughout history, community solidarity and cooperation in difficult times, the laying of the foundation of the calendar that the world uses today in the third epic of the Köktürks' descent from the wolf, and above all, the importance of the Turk's character throughout history. The passion for complete independence and freedom can be given as examples. Therefore, the issue of Bozkurt and Ergenekon maintains its place in the memory of Turks and Turkishness, even though thousands of years have passed. (From the Promotional Bulletin)

This work, published by Ötüken Neşriyat and written by Necati Demir, is now in Dünyada Kitap.

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