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Çiko's Choice Book Description: Back Cover Text (From the Promotional Bulletin) Füsun Çetinel, who is loved for her children's novels Hagia Sophia Spoke and Secrets Road, this time tells a warm story of friendship. The novel, which masterfully handles the dreams of two children preparing to enter adolescence, makes you think about animal rights, the cruelty of animal circuses and making choices. The book, designed with black and white patterns by illustrator Maria Brzozowska, offers an enjoyable reading experience with details that subtly reflect children's emotional world. Seren's father is a long-haul ship captain. Every time he returns from a voyage, all kinds of gifts come out of his sailor's bag. This time, he came from Italy with a jet-black furry, restless dog. They name the cute dog Çiko. Seren, who wants to work in the circus when she grows up, gets the opportunity to go to the circus with her close friend Cemo on her birthday. As if it was not enough for Seren to be mistaken for an acrobat, a surprise about Çiko awaits them... Editor: Müren Beykan Illustrator: Maria Brzozowska

This work, published by Günışığı Publications and written by Füsun Çetinel, is now in Dünyada Kitap.

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