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My Childhood Book Description Gorky's trilogy consisting of My Childhood, My Breadwinner and My Universities is one of the most beautiful autobiographies written in the Russian language. In My Childhood, he tells about the years he spent in his grandfather's house, where he moved after losing his father at a young age. Inheritance fights, births, deaths, and the incredible violence that little Aleksey witnessed and was personally exposed to are ordinary events in the course of daily life in this house. It is actually a "micro universe" of life. Fortunately, his grandmother, who is almost a folk philosopher with her idealism and pure heart, is always by his side. There are also many lively characters, each of whom leaves a mark on your life... Thanks to them, life is as mysterious and colorful as it is difficult. Moreover, it was during his childhood that Gorky met the first of those people who "lived like a foreigner in their own country, but were actually the best of that society"... (From the Promotional Bulletin) Number of Pages: 282Print Year: 2016Language: TurkishPublisher: İş Bankası Kültür Yayınları

This work, published by İş Bankası Cultural Publications and written by Mazlum Beyhan, is now on Dünyada Kitap.

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