The Way of the Dervish 2-A Prayer Every Night

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Dervish's Way 2-A Prayer Every Night Book Description: Senai Demirci writes prayers by discovering the inner pains of humans as a therapist and feeling the secret pains of being human. The world is a "lower place" for humans. His body fits into the world, but his heart can't fit into the world. It weighs your body, but it weighs heavy on your soul. It feeds your mold but leaves your heart hungry. Every love nourishes a farewell. Reunions give birth to longing. Reunions smell of separation. People give birth to pain. Burning sighs burn embers in your heart. “Like Mary, one wants to give birth to oneself through pain,” says Senai Demirci. As a therapist, he writes prayers by exploring people's inner pain and feeling the secret pain of being human. Instead of repeating cliché texts; It accompanies people's feverish rushes and recites their existential pains as prayers. It shows the lines drawn on the palm of the hand, grieving for contradictions, disappointments, falls, and disloyalty. He also puts the words that were paid for and the poems that suffered in the parenthesis of prayer. It reads the black of the world's night and keeps the hope of eternal morning alive. It puts people of every color, every language, every nation in the palm of the hand of the same prayer. (From the Promotional Bulletin)

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