Revolutionary Affinities: Our Red and Black Stars | Habitus Book

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Revolutionary Affinities: Our Red and Black Stars Book Description: “Today, the tragic toll of the revolutions of the past century forces us to think differently, in order to hope to one day give back to socialism its human face. Building antibureaucratic revolutionary organizations is one of the safeguards to protect revolutions against all kinds of authoritarian deviations. But this is not the only assurance. Because, beyond the organizations with which the workers' movement has equipped itself, it is necessary to discuss their place and functions within the revolution. Revolutionary forces must fulfill a vital function: to help the revolution take the decisions that impose itself at the right time. But, in the final analysis, concrete power resides in self-government structures. ... Our hope is that the future will be black and red: anti-capitalism, socialism or communism in the 21st century will have to feed on both sources of radicalism. Our desire is to plant a few seeds of libertarian Marxism in the hope that they will find fertile ground where they will grow and bear fruit (From the Promotional Bulletin)

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