Noteworthy Topics

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Noteworthy Topics Book Description Türkiye has always been this poor quality. This is due to 1000 years of ignorance. In these 1000 years, Turkey has not produced anyone of international value, except for a few people. Of course, all of our sultans and almost all of our grand viziers exist in history, but history records the top rulers of every country in the world. Among the Ottoman sultans, there is only one person whose name would be known if he were not a sultan: Fatih Sultan Mehmet. Scientist? There is no one other than Sarı Lütfi and Hüseyin Tevfik Pasha; These are not general, but they can take a small place in the history of special science. Sarı Lütfi, mathematician and librarian of Fatih, who was close enough to Fatih to joke with him, II. Wasn't he hanged by Bayezid in Sultanahmet for being an atheist? Turkey has only one person that the whole world knows and appreciates: Ataturk. The 15 years under his rule are the golden age of our country's history. Before and after that are disasters. Unfortunately, there has been a slow decline after Ataturk. Thanks to modern communication opportunities, none of which we had invented, we learned how to wear a bikini, drive a Mercedes, and compose pop songs here and there. We have had some good performers in science and art. We had a representative in the second of Nobel's two most controversial branches, peace and literature. Post? Empty. The institutions of ignorance we learned from the Ottoman Empire, the worthlessness of merit and the parallel bribery institution have ruined us. (From the Promotional Bulletin)

This work, published by İnkılap Publications and written by AM Celal Şengör, is now in Dünyada Kitap.

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