Outward Journey

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The Outward Journey Book Description: The Outward Journey is Virginia Woolf's first novel, written between 1910 and 1915. The Outward Journey, in which the footsteps of a good novelist can be heard, is also a harbinger of some of the themes that come to the fore in most of the author's later works. Virginia Woolf's next and most famous novel, Mrs. Dalloway's Clarissa Dalloway also appears here for the first time. Young Rachel Vinrace, who lives with her aunts in one of the outskirts of London, travels to South America with her father's ship and a small group. The young girl, who has been away from social life until that day, gets engaged to a writer she met on the ship; This interesting journey will also allow Rachel to discover herself, and the intellectual environment she enters will give her freedom. Reflecting the excitement of youth and life to a much greater extent than Woolf's other novels, The Journey Outward also examines the structure of British society, its beliefs and prejudices, male-female relations, religion and death. It is possible to see reflections of Woolf's own world in the novel, which also contains autobiographical elements. (From the Promotional Bulletin)

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