3 Weeks on the Wall

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3 Weeks on the Wall Book Description: We have roads on our minds and youth on the roads. Füsun Çetinel, known for her stories and writing workshops, wrote her last novel for young people. The author, who invites his readers to a journey starting from Turkey and extending to Germany, tells a smiling growth story accompanied by first heart palpitations and various setbacks. The novel, enriched by the different cultures of young people who come together for a common goal, makes you think about freedom, responsibility and solidarity; It promises an enjoyable read for all ages with its fluent fiction. Füsun Çetinel, whose children's novels Hagia Sophia Spoke and Secrets Road are very popular, is expanding her readership. Melisa could not go to Los Angeles with her closest friends because her mother was laid off. Even though his mind remains on America, he has to spend three weeks of his summer vacation in a work camp in Germany. After a journey that started with rumors and setbacks, young people from different countries such as Ukraine, Spain and South Korea are waiting for Melisa, who reaches the small town of Stuttgart. The days spent working in harmony with nature on the renovation of an old wall will bring unforgettable experiences to all of them... (From the Promotional Bulletin)

This work, published by Günışığı Publications and written by Füsun Çetinel, is now in Dünyada Kitap.

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