Spiritual Development of Adolescent

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Spiritual Development of Adolescent Book Description: Every adolescent is special. Like every parent or every person, every adolescent is unique. In other words, it has no equal. It is different from others. That unique adolescent's feelings, thoughts and behaviors are also unique. Because every emotion is experienced at different times, in different places and for different reasons, every thought contains different elements, every behavior occurs in different processes and leads to different results. In this book, the knowledge about psychological development in adolescence is reviewed and interpreted from the perspective of an adolescent psychiatrist. We aimed to turn it into information that can be easily understood and applied, especially by parents of teenage children. We have revealed what are useful, problem-solving and constructive approaches to adolescence, and what precautions should be taken before problems arise. We tried to explain when things are going well developmentally and when we should think about when there might be a problem. On the other hand, we offered generalizable and practical suggestions for the psychological development of the adolescent. (From the Promotional Bulletin) Number of Pages: 304 Year of Printing: 2014 Language: Turkish Publishing House: Say Publications

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