A Brief History of the Armenian Genocide | Aras Publishing

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A Brief History of the Armenian Genocide Book Description: While there are some clear borders and some crossroads separating the Ottoman Empire and the Republic of Turkey, there are also many continuities and relationships, discontinuities and continuities, and the discussions, events and concepts around these areas are especially It determines the areas of interest to historians in recent decades. The period that took place at the most dramatic and sharp turning point of the transition from the Empire to the Republic and when the Armenian Question was "solved" by a genocide was not limited to the exiles and massacres that took place between 1915 and 1918. Taner Akçam, a historian who has been working in the field of the Armenian Genocide for nearly thirty years, His new book, A Brief History of the Armenian Genocide, offers a general framework and a summary history of how the 1878-1923 process should be understood for readers who are interested in the history of the genocide and are curious about basic information and current debates on the subject. The demographic reality that almost one in every four people living in the empire's territory is Christian, the fact that the genocide was not limited to the Armenians, the social and cultural destruction of Christian elements throughout the process, and the Republic's policies continuing this process in different ways are also of key importance in understanding today's Turkey. .A Brief History of the Armenian Genocide presents the reader with a fluent fiction and clear language filtered from the deep knowledge of an experienced historian, how the Ottoman Christian population was dragged from coexistence to extinction, the subjects who took the decision to exterminate, and the perpetrators in the field. (From the Promotional Bulletin)

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