Metaphysics of the Beautiful

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Metaphysics of the Beautiful Book Description: What kind of change does knowing demand within us? What do we need to leave behind and what do we need to distance ourselves from in order to have complete and accurate information about anything? If such a leaving behind does not occur, what are the problems with knowledge? Perhaps, from the gap opened by these questions, it will be seen that the judgment "Today, we can no longer expect anything from modern science for the benefit of humanity" is not an extreme judgment, and one will begin to think about what is missing or what is excessive in the way of knowing of modern science. .Why does grasping beauty make us happy? Although it is said that the pleasure and satisfaction a thing gives can only come from its relationship with our will or our goals, how can beauty, as beautiful, give us pleasure and end our suffering without having any relationship with our personal goals and therefore our will? What does beauty activate within us and what does it open the doors for us? Through the gap opened by these questions, we will begin to see that we need to look for the roots of our unhappiness, which we express at every opportunity today, not so far away, but in the world where we have eliminated beauty and the things that will pave the way for beauty. Thin Cover: Number of Pages: 120Print Year : 2013e-Book: Number of Pages: 97Print Year: 2016Language: TurkishPublisher: Say Publications

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