Everybody's Lonely

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Everybody's Alone Book Description: Everybody's Alone Book Description "Take a look! Now I'm going to tell you stories that make you withdraw into yourself. Maybe you'll be uncomfortable, maybe it'll hurt you, it'll make your heart ache; maybe not, I'm sure. Because that's what happened to me when I was writing. What doesn't go through me won't work on you." ... I was hurt while writing, I changed; I will change you too. This is pain, it changes both the teller and the listener. If you who started reading my story are still the same as you after finishing it, burn them all, don't read. If you don't want to read it again or look back, let's leave it at that... It's a bad story, if you don't open it every once in a while and read a few lines as if you're missing someone. If you don't underline some sentences, close the cover of this book... I'm going to tell you painful things now; just take a look..." Onur Caymaz, one of the young generation writers, tells himself Turkey with his poems and stories. One of those who made a place in the literary world of. Everybody is Alone is the sum of his mature style, his world that opens different windows to the reader, and his stories that bear witness to the times and probe the inner worlds of the people of our time. From garbage houses to organization houses, from Ali İsmail Korkmaz to police officer Kadri, from those who cannot live without alcohol to those who are deeply in love... Scenes of Turkey.

This work, published by Kırmızı Kedi and written by Onur Caymaz, is now in Dünyada Kitap.

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