On Law, Morality and Politics

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Book Description on Law, Ethics and Politics: It is very important for a person to be informed about the masquerade he finds himself in as soon as he steps into life. Otherwise, there are many things that he cannot understand, cannot tolerate, or even freeze in surprise when he encounters them; and indeed they will be the long-lived ones. For example, the protection received by baseness, the indifference suffered by virtue, intolerance of truth and great talents, even spitefulness, the ignorance of scientists in their own field, the almost always disdain of genuine products and the veneration of only fake ones. That's why the young people are at this masquerade ball where apples are made of wax and flowers are made of silk. Let them learn that fish are made of cardboard and that everything, without exception, is just a game and a toy. It is necessary to tell them in time that one of the two people who are seriously determined to do business with each other is supplying fake goods and the other is paying him fake money in return. (From the Promotional Bulletin) Thin Cover: Number of Pages: 128Print Year: 2016e-Book: Number of Pages: 108Print Year : 2016Language: TurkishPublisher: Say Publications

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