Waiting for Abraham - Jerusalem Stories | Uzam Publications

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Waiting for Abraham - Jerusalem Stories Book Description: Growing up means learning the difference between being Abraham and being Abraham. The waiting moments of two friends who are preparing to meet years later under very different circumstances... The guilt of Master Aram, who poured a concrete wall between the Muslim Quarter and the Jewish Quarter... The panic of Meryem looking for her son Hasan... The despair of Henan, who accidentally broke the faculty's theodolite... She feels sorry for her father, who has cancer. Aaron's interrogations... Larissa's steps as she prepares to re-embark on Jesus' journey of suffering... Sultan Suleiman's architects trying to find a place for the fountain to be built... Waiting for Abraham consists of nine stories written with observations of Jerusalem rather than taking its inspiration from Jerusalem. With a plural approach, the author takes responsibility for the actions required for peace.

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