Geopolitical Considerations on Foreign Policy and Politics

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Considerations on Geopolitics, Foreign Policy and Politics Book Description: This book; It consists of evaluations classified as foreign policy, geopolitics and politics and made within the framework of different current developments. In the courses I taught, the question frequently asked by my students, who were overwhelmed by the theoretical discussions of International Relations, was "How will they use the information I provide?" By publishing these considerations on geopolitics, foreign policy, and politics, I hope to have answered their question and shown how theory applies to practice. Book; It consists of three parts: geopolitical analyses, foreign policy articles and political essays. In the Geopolitical Analyzes section; Issues that still occupy the global political agenda from various perspectives, from Russia's Middle East policy to the Syrian Crisis, from the Azerbaijan-Armenia conflict to the Ukraine Crisis, are discussed under 14 headings. In the second section, titled Foreign Policy Articles, there are 13 evaluations, mostly about Turkish foreign policy. Finally, in the third section titled Politics Essays, issues concerning Turkey's domestic politics are discussed under 17 headings. (From the Promotional Bulletin)

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