Kafka-The Unyielding Dreamer

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Kafka-The Unyielding Dreamer Book Description: Back Cover Article (From the Promotional Bulletin) Can anything new be said about Kafka? This book has a claim on this subject. Indeed, I think it is time to look at Kafka's work from a different perspective in order to explain its fascinating power of disobedience. Walter Benjamin warned in his famous essay on Kafka (unfortunately not taken into consideration): “In Kafka's writings, we should carefully, hesitantly, doubtfully, gropingly It is necessary to move forward.”Comments on Kafka, in the form of an ever-growing pile of documents, have taken on the form and atmosphere of a Tower of Babel over time, both because of their chaotic language and because of the attempt to consider it from endless perspectives. Is it a coincidence that the most interesting Kafka readings generally come from women? Women writers such as Hannah Arendt, Marthe Robert, Rosemarie Ferenczi and Marina Cavarocci-Arbib should be mentioned. Their work stands out markedly from the rather monotonous and vague mass of a significant part of the “secondary literature” on Kafka. Although I did not always agree with their analyses, I was widely encouraged by some of their contributions to develop my own thinking in another direction. -M. Löwy

This work, published by Ayrıntı Publications and written by Michael Löwy, is now in Dünyada Kitap.

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