Kavgaz: Pilot | April Publishing

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Kavgaz: Pilot Book Description: The nineties are beginning at full speed. The winds of change are blowing in the world and in Turkey. The United Nations Convention on the Rights of the Child is accepted. Turgut Özal is sworn in as the next President after Kenan Evren. President Nicolae Ceausescu and his wife Elena are shot. .The Nobel Peace Prize is given to the Dalai Lama. First, the first democratic election is held in Chile, and then in Brazil, an election is held after twenty-five years. The Soviet Union withdraws from Afghanistan. The USA seizes Panama after overthrowing Manuel Noriega. Mikhail Gorbachev and George Bush are working on a new road map after the Cold War. Meanwhile… A 24-year-old academy graduate, Deputy Commissioner Mutlu Kavgaz, who now has more privileges in the Istanbul Homicide Bureau, is presented with a statement that if he cannot solve it immediately, he will be in trouble, the state's reputation will be at stake. The subject of a high-profile and "cold" murder case that MİT could not solve is coming. The victim, Egyptian national Davut El Maksut, was found lying on his back on the floor in room 801 on the eighth floor of the Etap Marmara Hotel, naked except for the curtain cord wrapped around his neck. His body bears traces of struggle and struggle. Will Mutlu Kavgaz be able to solve this murder, which even Mit could not solve? Algan Sezgintüredi, the master of detective literature, tells an era by starring in Kavgaz with crime investigation expert and retired police chief Mesut Demirbilek: The most disastrous and the most wonderful. Kavgaz, which is based on real events and won the Detective Novel of the Year award with the first book of the series, continues to rise rapidly with the second novel, Pilot. (From the Promotional Bulletin)

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