Junction | Bilgin Culture and Art

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Kavşak Book Description: The mysterious formations behind the collapse of the Ottoman Empire in the Middle East are conveyed from foreign sources. The birth of the Republic of Turkey in the capital Ankara at the beginning of the 20th century and the political change at the beginning of the 21st century are examined. After Mustafa Kemal Pasha's arrival in Ankara in 1919, the establishment of the Republic of Turkey was progressed with poverty but enthusiasm. A British diplomat informs London that the land sought for the embassy residence in Ankara is located in Çankaya Bellrock. The birth of the Republic from the ashes of the Ottoman Empire is watched with admiration by the countries of the world. Along with the world rulers of his time, Atatürk is on the 25th anniversary of his death. The statements given by US President John F. Kennedy and USSR President Nikita Kuruşcev to the author for the Cumhuriyet newspaper are also included in the book. Another British diplomat says, "In those days, the general belief was that not even a tree could grow in Ankara..." "For this reason, it costs 60 kuruş a day." "We started to plant trees in the embassy garden with an employed gardener!" he adds. In those days, the "Atatürk Forest Farm" was created from scratch to set an example for agriculture in the Ankara steppe. While it was a first degree protected area, the green texture on "Beştepe Five Hills" was 21 years old. It was destroyed at the beginning of the 19th century and an illegal palace was created in its place! Upon the suggestions of the readers, the author published the 18-article series "Bell Rock (Çankaya)" and "Five Hills (Beştepe)" in the "Kavşak" column in the Cumhuriyet newspaper, as well as four TV series and a single. The article comes together in this documentary book. (From the Promotional Bulletin) Number of Pages: 207 Print Year: 2016 Language: Turkish Publishing House: Bilgin Culture and Art"

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