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Anxiety Book Description: Anxiety or anxiety is a state of mind that we all know and experience in the course of daily life. It is natural to be worried and curious about various events, starting from a child arriving late from school. This mood, which is considered quite normal as long as it is not excessive and constant, can also be stimulating or encouraging when necessary; It also plays supporting roles in preventing dangers or solving problems. However, when anxiety goes beyond these normal limits and settles at the center of daily life, it makes life miserable. People who create something to worry about in almost any event, of course, start to deal with various health problems after a while; While problems that start with headaches and muscle aches as a result of constant tension reach more serious levels, many diseases such as irritability and fatigue, insomnia, difficulty focusing, stomach and digestive disorders, tremors, heart palpitations, shortness of breath are at the door. Anxiety disorder, which has become a disease, must be treated. However, this fact is often not noticed or accepted, and thus people are condemned to suffer the troubles they can overcome throughout their lives. However, diagnosis and treatment of anxiety disorder is possible. Dr. After explaining what the problem is, Helen Kennerley also explains how to overcome it with the help of simple practices and exercises using Cognitive Behavioral Techniques. This book, which will be extremely useful for people to find solutions to this health problem on their own, for which going to a specialist or psychologist is least considered, is also a reliable resource for healthcare professionals on the subject.

This work, published by Kuralması Publications and written by Nur Yener, is now on Dünyada Kitap.

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