City of Words

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City of Words Book Description: In City of Words, where his Massey Conference presentation has been compiled into a book, Alberto Manguel questions how it will be possible for us to live together in the world, and approaches the increasing intolerance between societies from the literary perspective, showing that writers, poets, artists and "stories" can give the answer to his question instead of social engineers. says. Stories are the common values ​​of humanity and they unite everyone on a human denominator, regardless of language, religion or race. According to Manguel, the way to better understand the human condition lies in researching the cult stories and legends that belong to all humanity, from Gilgamesh to Don Quixote, from the Tower of Babel to HAL's digital screen. "Why do we seek definitions of identity in words, and what is the role of the storyteller in such a search? How does language determine, limit, or expand our imagination of the world? How do the stories we tell help us perceive ourselves and others? Such stories affect an entire society, right or wrong, Can it lend an identity? Finally, is it possible for stories to change us and the world we live in? " (From the Promotional Bulletin) Thin Cover: Number of Pages: 140 Year of Printing: 2016 e-Book: Number of Pages: 129 Year of Printing: 2016 Language: Turkish Publisher: Yapı Kredi Publications

This work, published by Yapı Kredi Publications and written by Alberto Manguel, is now on Books in the World.

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