Thoughts for Myself | İşbank Culture Publications

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Thoughts for Myself Book Description: Marcus Aurelius (121 AD-180 AD): Born in Rome in 121 AD. Fronto took private lessons from leading orators and philosophers of his time, such as Apollonius Chalcedonius. He reigned as Roman Emperor between 161-180 AD. Marcus Aurelius, known with adjectives such as "Stoic Emperor" and "Philosopher Emperor", spent most of his reign on campaigns, although he was a peaceful person. Reflections on Myself, which he started to write during an expedition against the Germanic tribes at the end of 169 AD, are of great importance for Stoicism, especially for the Roman Stoa. Marcus Aurelius, who had a strong belief in equality and freedom, tried to live by knowing and understanding nature throughout his empire, and put humans in the middle of everything. In his work, Thoughts on Myself, which can be described as a collection of aphorisms and thoughts written on a daily basis, he not only criticizes the Caesars and philosophers before him, but also does an examination of conscience by questioning himself. Thoughts on Myself, which were the basis for later generations, church thinkers, and the Renaissance, are still a very valuable resource today in terms of understanding the Stoic philosophy. (From the Promotional Bulletin)

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