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Kirkuk Houses Book Description: Kirkuk, which shared the same fate with Anatolia until recent history, is a city that keeps the memory of the Ottoman geography alive with its social structure, history, language, tradition, folklore and architecture. Kirkuk, which continues its importance in terms of urban culture, architecture and art history, The most interesting part is their houses. This rich cultural heritage of the Turkmens also expresses the worldview, traditional life and architectural understanding of the society rooted in the region. The physical development of Kirkuk as a city and the formation of its historical texture also constitute important data for the city monograph and architectural history. In the present work, the contributions of the Turkmen community to residential architecture throughout the historical process are expressed. As a product of the civilization to which it belongs, the synthesis reached by Kirkuk houses in terms of plan and design has been tried to be examined scientifically. The solutions brought by the old Kirkuk houses to residential architecture reflect the similarity between the lifestyle that developed around it and Anatolia, the common values ​​of a civilization. Kirkuk Houses are the product of a concern for establishing the future rather than a search for aesthetic forms of the past. (From the Promotional Bulletin) Number of Pages: 224 Year of Printing: 2013Language: TurkishPublisher: Ötüken Neşriyat

This work, published by Ötüken Neşriyat Publications and written by Suphi Saatçi, is now in Dünyada Kitap.

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