Event Folk Songs Compiled from Kirkuk

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Event Folk Songs Compiled from Kirkuk Book Description: Generally, the occurrence of events that deeply affect the society, such as a historical war, victory and heroism, results in those events being turned into poetry and composed. The Mehter Music or Mızıka-yı Hümayun teams in the Ottoman army created excitement by enthusing the soldiers, and the way the mehter bands pounded the squares, giving rise to some heroic folk songs. In addition, disasters and sad events such as defeat, occupation, flood, fire, earthquake and murder occurred. It remained in the memory of the society and ensured that it would not be forgotten for many years. In this respect, the importance of folk songs, which are the common memory of the events that took place in a wide geography starting from Central Asia to Anatolia, the Balkans and the Middle East, from Crimea to Hejaz and Yemen, from the Caucasus to Algeria, is great. The real importance of event folk songs is It has enabled our nation, spread over a wide geography, to experience the same pain and feelings together. Turks, a warrior nation, have written epics in every period. Even when he was defeated, he displayed a noble stance. In the last period of the Ottoman Empire, carrion crows, who coveted the legacy of the empire, caused great suffering to our nation. It is these folk songs that keep the tragedies that took place in the Balkans, Çanakkale, Yemen and Hejaz, and the Middle East alive in the nation's memory. In this book, you will find the folk songs of events that have survived to this day in the Kirkuk region, which is outside our borders, together with their notes. (From the Promotional Bulletin)

This work, published by Ötüken Neşriyat Publications and written by Suphi Saatçi, is now in Dünyada Kitap.

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