Classical Sociology | Contact Publications

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Classical Sociology Book Description: What is the importance of the legacy of classical sociology for understanding the modern world? In Classical Sociology, Bryan S. Turner conducts a detailed study of heritage that provides a detailed answer to this question. In the first part, key thinkers in the development of early sociology (Karl Marx, Max Weber, Georg Simmel, Emile Durkheim, Karl Mannheim and Talcott Parsons) are discussed. The second part examines the key institutions that dominated sociological and anthropological research in the late 19th and early 20th centuries. The issue of the role of religion in the development of capitalist society, Marxist and Weberian approaches to class analysis, social stratification theory in North American sociology, family research in industrial capitalism, the development of urban sociology, urban social relations in debates about alienation, marginalization and ethnic conflicts, elaborating Mannheim's critiques of Marxist class analysis. A chapter examining the sociology of generations and TH Marshall's contribution to political sociology forms the framework of the book. A comprehensive research showing how much the modern world needs the classic discussions of sociology and the contributions of classical works, it is an important source... (From the Promotional Bulletin) Number of Pages: 456 Print Year: 2014 Language :TurkishPublishing House:Contact Publishing

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