The Novel of the Angel and the Devil

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The Novel of the Angel and the Devil Book Description: Adam and Eve are the most ancient examples of man's polarization with man. First of all, it symbolizes the difference in character and then, of course, the difference in gender... But wait; or the Eves that contain Lilith within themselves, and the Liliths that contain Eve... And the woman... The "MOTHER" that gives the title of productive power even to the symbolic definition of the fertile land... One of them is the one who made Adam eat the apple and caused his generation to be sent into exile on earth. as, giving him his shoulder; The other one is the one who left Adam. You know, one cannot help but ask, a little mischievously; "And how many times did God create woman?" There is a principle of opposition and complementarity in nature and the universe, which is given various names in Turkish such as "duality", "dilemma", "doubling", "double balance", and its general expression is "duality". Nothing can exist without its opposite... So, again with a smiling question: "A woman is two halves of an apple, but is a man an apple worm?" Then, you will enjoy reading the story of Fatih, Yağmur and Dilek, from the pen of Adem Özbay, the son of Adam. Then... “Then, people found padlocks to wear out children's dreams. They always told the mud water about the ugly ducklings by smearing the remains of their moldy brains. (From the Promotional Bulletin)

This work, published by Az Kitap and written by Adem Özbay, is now on Dünyada Kitap.

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