Internal Rebellions and Armenian Events in the War of Independence | Toker Publications

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Internal Rebellions and Armenian Events in the War of Independence Book Description: History researcher Yalçın Toker continues to write books that illuminate the unknown aspects of the known events of our recent history. The Ottoman Sultans, which tell the life stories of the sultans in illustrated form... The Green Army, which was established in the crisis days of the War of Independence with the expectation of a solution to our salvation. .Portraits from the Malta Exiles, which tell the story of members of the last Ottoman government and those to whom the British were exiled during the days of the Armistice... Portraits from the 150's, which tell the story of those who were deported because they opposed the War of Independence and Ataturk. Republic Fights, which deals with the political fights in the founding days of the Republic of Turkey. ..Fight at the Top, which tells about the political events of the years of Demirelli and Özal... After the books "Unionist and Nazi Madness", which tells about the Unionists who are considered responsible for the Ottoman Empire's involvement in history, their escape from the homeland and their end, and compares them with the Nazis, now, the insurgents who rebelled against the Republic of Turkey during the War of Independence are told. We present the book Internal Rebellions in the War of Independence. (Back Cover) Thin Cover: Number of Pages: 255Print Year: 2009e-Kitap: Number of Pages: 195Print Year: 2004Language: TurkishPublisher: Toker Publications

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