How to Become a Writer - The Art of Writing and Writing Techniques

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How to Become a Writer - The Art of Writing and Writing Techniques Book Description: "Words fly away, writing remains." said the elders. What a true statement. Since the beginning of humanity, many words have been forgotten, but no recorded text has been lost. That's why writing; It is to entrust thoughts and feelings to eternity. Adem Özbay, one of the experienced writers of our literary world, asks his readers "How do I become a writer?" This book, which started with the answers to your questions, contains information that can be a reference source for anyone who wants to write and make their words immortal. It also explains with examples how famous writers produce their best works. We hope that this work, which can be benefited by those who want to have skills in social media writing as well as writing books, will shed light on the path of authorship to all our readers. (From the Promotional Bulletin)

This work, published by Az Kitap and written by Adem Özbay, is now on Dünyada Kitap.

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