Naturans 2 - New Ethical Politics

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Naturans 2 - New Ethical Politics Book Description: The view of ethics and politics all over the world shows that the problems created by liberal democratic models based on elections - in different consistencies - have rapidly evolved from the level of "defects" to the level of "disasters", especially in the last two centuries. The term "disaster" has long ceased to be the refrain of anxious people accused of being prone to apocalyptic anxiety, alarm and screaming, and has now been emphasized by a cool-headed and sufficiently rational common sense. At the end of this long road we have walked with the market beautifications of capitalism, we are close to losing the biosphere altogether, have seriously lost biodiversity, have become unable to stop preventable environmental destruction, and have widened the gap between rich and poor as much as possible. Market freedom, which considers profit maximization as the most fundamental right of capitalism, cannot adequately take into account any effort that does not benefit from increasing income. While the unsustainability of this situation is constantly repeated, precisely because of this situation, a minority aiming for unlimited growth never neglects to cooperate with states in order to maintain the system with some repairs. The decision-making minority has established a very persuasive cultural hegemony to maintain an exclusionary wealth that is the cause of catastrophes: world life expectancy is increasing, infant mortality is falling at a consistent rate, basic health, education and technology are relatively easier for more people than ever before in history. He puts forward its accessibility as a positive gain in this process. This is true. But it is precisely at the expense of this "right" that the great "wrong", which has already reached catastrophic proportions, can be maintained: Our civilization has been transformed into a "benefit maximization machine"; Maximum benefit not only means adopting a completely hostile attitude towards the immanent whole of reality, which is driven by human, non-human, organic or inorganic elements, but only a very small part of this so-called benefit is shared among humans. In other words, we have turned our entire human civilization into a tribe at war with the cosmos for a very small minority of people who are divided among themselves over the benefits of extreme wealth. This book invites us all to a new, completely unprejudiced thought about “ethics” and “politics” in the context of the Ontology of Power, which Balanuye outlines in his book Naturans I: Towards a New Ontology. This thought is about the further course of immanent reality shaped by the endless encounters of those who influence and those who are influenced: This is a possible but difficult, troublesome but hopeful path that requires reconsidering many of our basic assumptions. (From the Promotional Bulletin)

This work, published by Ayrıntı Publications and written by Çetin Balanuye, is now in Dünyada Kitap.

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