Nineveh Palace Library | Yaba Publications

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Nineveh Palace Library Book Description: Before many inscriptions were unearthed from these ruins, the sum of these studies told us that with the research to be carried out in the land of Nineveh, we came across a powerful lineage, starting with King Sargon and the last one being King Asur-Banipal. It was enough to watch the inscriptions written in three languages ​​to come to this conclusion. These included an Assyrian symbol and its translation into Persian. Proper names had a special sign. They then recognized the signs of son, king and country. With these symbols, they speculated whether the people who built the palaces were from the same lineage or from another lineage. With the help of this, we learned that the person who built Nimrod's palace was not related by blood to the kings seen on the walls and bricks of the Nineveh and Horsabad palaces. In this work we present in the Mesopotamian Library series, you will learn about the magnificent existence of a library deep in history and witness what happened to this priceless treasure. Number of Pages: 126Print Year:2005Language:TurkishPublisher:Yaba Publications

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