Ottoman Sultans | Toker Publications

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Ottoman Sultans Book Description: Date 1071... After the Malazgirt Victory of the Seljuk Sultan Alparslan, the Seljuk Turks, who belonged to the Kınık tribe of Oghuz, began to spread into the interior of Anatolia. Thus, the first step was taken for Anatolia to become the Turkish homeland for eternity. The date is 1220... The Genghis Khan hurricane is blowing in Asia... In front of the armies of the Genghis Empire, consisting of Turkish and Mongolian horsemen, people are fleeing in droves towards the west. ...Among those who ran away in fear of their lives, there are approximately 70 thousand Turks from various tribes who left their homelands in Western Turkestan. Some of these Turks from various tribes gathered in Northern Khorasan headed towards the Caucasus and some towards Northern Iraq. , some of them remain in Western Iran... The Kayı tribe is among those who chose to enter Anatolia. The Kayı tribe, which consisted of 400 tents and numbered about 4 thousand, was headed by Ertuğrul Gazi's father. According to a thesis, the name of this person is According to the other, more accepted historical thesis, Süleyman Şah is Gündüz-Alp. The Kayı people, from Southwestern Turkestan, where they set out, came to Ahlat in the Van Lake region, after a difficult migration lasting 10 years, and settled in 1230. From there, they went further west. Into Anatolia...(Back Cover)Number of Pages:302Print Year:2004Language:TurkishPublisher:Toker Publications"

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