Ottoman History Record 2 - World State

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Ottoman History Record 2 - World State Book Description: Sultan Mehmed entered the city with a regiment and came to Hagia Sophia. He got off his horse and entered the temple. The patriarch and the people inside Hagia Sophia fell at the feet of the sultan and began to cry. Fatih Sultan Mehmed signaled them to remain silent with his hands. When there was peace, he said to the patriarch: "Stand up! I, Sultan Mehmed, say to you, your friends and all the people, that from today onwards, do not be afraid of my wrath regarding your life or your freedom." Fatih Sultan Mehmed Prof., the valuable scientist who made everyone love history from seven to seventy. Dr. The second book of the KAYI series, written by Ahmet Şimşirgil, is KAYI II: In the Cihan State; Planned, programmed and disciplined movements of the architects of the state named Ottoman, which started in Söğüt and Domaniç; You will find the continuation of their tremendous success, which has led them to become a real world power in less than a century, with their faithful and clean lives, devoted to human values. The state that Sultan Çelebi Mehmed brought out of the Interregnum, his son II. Murad Khan will regain his vitality and reputation; He would destroy the Crusader armies, which took action again with a final move to remove the Ottomans from Rumelia, in Varna in 1444 and in Kosovo in 1448, and finally, with the conquest of Istanbul by Mehmed the Conqueror in 1453, the love of gaza ceased to exist. He will focus on the idea of ​​world sovereignty. II., one of the Ottoman sultans who always used the pen and the sword side by side. The campaigns of Murad and Mehmed the Conqueror, their private lives, teachers, construction activities, administrative, humanitarian and religious aspects are all in the book KAYI II: World State and it is like a feast of history... (From the Promotional Bulletin)

This work, published by Timaş Publications and written by Ahmet Şimşirgil, is now in Dünyada Kitap.

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