Auto - Analysis

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Self-Analysis Book Description: “The chances of performing a constructive self-analysis depend largely on the relative strength of 'can' and 'can't' or 'will' and 'won't.' This depends on the depth of the attitudes that endanger personal development.” In Auto-Analysis, written in a unique style, Karen Horney MD opens a new window to the reader who is interested in psychoanalytic processes, going through a psychoanalytic process, or questioning whether it is possible to self-analyze. From this window, you will travel to the realistic nature of auto-analysis adorned with examples, listen to Freud's teachings, understand the value of self-analysis when you realize what dreams may mean, and want to apply auto-analysis even if you make mistakes; because, as Horney says, “…effort itself has inherent value.” (From the Promotional Bulletin)

This work, published by Dorlion Publishing House and written by Karen Horney, is now on Books in the World.

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