Stories | Can Publications

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Stories Book Description: There was no one at the station. On the other side of the street, on the sidewalk shaded by almond trees, only a billiard room was open. The village was surging in the heat. The woman and her daughter got off the train, left the empty station, the paving stones of which were beginning to crack in places because of the grass growing among them, and crossed the street towards the shady sidewalk opposite. These six, illustrated by selections from Gabriel García Márquez's collections The Lady Mother's Funeral, Kind-Hearted Eréndira, and Twelve Traveling Tales The story reflects the rich imagination of the Colombian author, who expressed at every opportunity the impact of the fairy tales her grandmother told her as a child. Carme Solé Vendrell, the creator of the paintings accompanying the Stories, is the only artist allowed by Márquez to illustrate his works.

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