Haunted Seat

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Haunted Armchair Book Description: All is not well at the French Academy. Monsignor Dabbevil's vacant chair must be filled to create forty members of the academy. But there is a big problem. Three academics who were candidates to fill the seat also died. The 40th member could not fill the empty seat. What was this chair that Monsignor Dabbevil inherited?.. What could be the reason for these disasters that befell those who agreed to be elected here?.. Suspicions are on Elifas, who is thought to be a magician. Elifas is the man who returned from the gates of the academy with a red face and a bowed neck, having been defeated... literally expelled!.. The General Secretary of the Academy, Monsieur Ipolit Patar, is as eager as anyone to remove this curse from the chair and find a member to sit on. Gaspar Laluet is brave and determined to run for office. His being a suitable candidate has also been approved by the academy members. However, before sitting in the vacant chair, some issues need to be resolved. Issues like removing the death threat from the haunted chair. Can this issue be resolved? Will the fortieth seat find an owner now?

This work, published by Dorlion Publishing House and written by Gaston Leroux, is now on Books in the World.

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