Romantic Movement / Sex, shopping and novel

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In Romantic Movement , Alain de Botton explores the development of a love relationship from its beginning to its end, and during this exploration he shares his thoughts on the nature of art and love with the readers.
We witness the relationship between advertising executive Alice and banker Eric, step by step, accompanied by diagrams, pictures and a chorus of writers and thinkers, from Descartes to Plato, from Aretha Franklin to Flaubert.

Romantic Movement is a novel written with intelligence, wit and intuition. All lovers, readers and avid readers will not be able to put this book down.
John Updike, The New Yorker

It is not every novelist's cup of tea to take the ordinary and ordinary routines of a love that is not at all unique, to mix them with jokes and to present the reader with a study of love that is no different from real life. But this is what Alain de Botton achieves... This novel sheds light on the lies, truths and weaknesses of modern love.
Simon Montefiore, The Times

In an age when pop stars look like Phil Collins, it is refreshing to encounter such playful light in literature. Like all good works, it is very funny and very sad.
Julie Bruchill, Spectator

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