Said Halim Pasha - The Last Link Between the Constitutional Monarchy and the Republic | ancient

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Said Halim Pasha - The Last Link Between the Constitutional Monarchy and the Republic Book Description: Said Halim Pasha is a strong intellectual as well as a statesman. About a hundred years ago, he wrote his work "Our Crises" about the century before him, giving the next generations a two-century historical perspective. He inherited his basic philosophical stance and principles in the Ottoman-Turkish modernization process to the next generations. In the history of Western modernization, Said Halim Pasha is for the Ottoman-Turkish-Republic modernization what Edmund Burke was, advocating the conservative evolutionist style of politics against Jacobin revolutionism. Said Halim Pasha is one of the thinkers that should be cited the most in conservative literature, but is not. The reason for the creation of the work stems from this very thought. Because it is essential to know the value of Said Halim Pasha, who was both an intellectual and a statesman. In fact, Said Halim Pasha took his place on the stage of history with his conservative evolutionist approach against the Jacobin, authoritarian, totalitarian, positivist and elitist direction, method and management. (From the Promotional Bulletin)

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