Sakızlı Ohannes Efendi and Economic Freedom | legend

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Sakızlı Ohannes Efendi and Economic Freedom Book Description: “Freedom of production is the fundamental rule of knowledge of wealth. The purpose of this rule is to allow everyone to practice whichever art they prefer and to work in the way they choose, to set the price for their products and products as they wish, with profit and loss at their own expense, and to use these products and products for their own domestic and foreign interests. "It is to have authority over exchange in the form that it deems most beneficial for the individual." Sakızlı Ohannes Efendi The radical changes that started with the Tanzimat Period also manifested themselves in the field of economic thought, and the modern economic thought that emerged in Europe also found its followers in the Ottoman lands. In the discussions that took place mainly around the views of freedom and protection, thinkers such as Serendi Arşizen, Sakızlı Ohannes, Sehak Abru, Mikail Pasha, Mehmet Cavid defended freedom, while thinkers such as Ahmet Cevdet Pasha, Ahmet Mithat Efendi, Akyiğitzade Musa, Ziya Gökalp, Tekin Alp united around the idea of ​​protection. Sakızlı Ohannes Efendi, whose life and thoughts are studied in detail in this book, is one of the first and most important representatives of laissez faire, laissez passer ideas in the Ottoman Empire. The words of Ohannes Efendi mentioned above present a summary of his views on economics, in other words, the science of wealth, and emphasize his idea of ​​freedom in matters of production, profit/loss, price determination and trade, especially in the use of labor. The work in your hand is a liberal economist. and examines the economic thought of Sakızlı Ohannes, a supporter of freedom, within the framework of his book Mebâdi-i İlm-i Servet-i Milel. On this occasion, the transcriptions of our thinker's two articles published in Mecmûa-i Fünûn are presented to the reader for the first time.

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